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Our Approach to


Maple Lake Academy includes an accredited high school academic program through AdvancEd. Our curriculum follows the Utah Core Standards with credit that transfers statewide.

Our Academic program is dedicated to high quality and highly individualized classes for all of our students. All teachers at MLA are licensed and certified in their content area and offer multimodal teaching approaches in their classes and are well trained in working with students challenged by learning disabilities. They are dedicated to helping our students find success at school, which for some is a new experience. With an average class size of 5-8 students, we can provide the personal instruction and support needed. Daily one on one tutoring is common.

Individual Education Plans

As far as individualizing the students’ education plan, teachers work directly with the students in developing an individualized Student Education Plan (SEP).

The SEP addresses the individual academic needs of students and offers interventions and strategies to meet their academic needs. As part of the SEP, students study and learn about their individual learning issues and will become “experts” in learning strategies that specifically address their challenges. These skills will give them the confidence needed to advocate for themselves in future academic settings.

Year-Round Program

Our academic program is a year round program which allows students who may be behind in school, the ability to catch up to same age peers. Students may also take online classes offered by local colleges that may allow them to explore new interests or receive college credit.

Students who have earned their high school diploma at Maple Lake Academy may be eligible to take and attend college classes at a local university, further preparing them for college life after Maple Lake Academy.