How Do I Apply?
Parents will want to gather information from our Admissions Staff as a first step.
This may be accomplished by calling our main number (801) 798-7700 and asking to speak with Patti Hollenbeck-Dial. Parents are encouraged to tour Maple Lake Academy when possible. Once all steps of review are completed and parents wish to enroll their child in Maple Lake Academy, we will send all admissions documents via email.

Parents may have an educational consultant they are working with in their search for the best school for their child. Educational consultants are often the first contact we have about your child. A review of past and most current psychological testing is preferred and we would also want to talk with any current therapists regarding your student. It is as important to us that we are a good fit for your student as it is that we feel the student is a good fit for our program.
We want Success for your child!
What are the Financial Assistance options?
Many of our parents have found a financial resource in their home school districts. Maple Lake Academy participates fully in IEP reviews with the home school district to support our parents in their pursuit of school funding. Parents are also encouraged to seek reimbursement from their health insurance, however, Maple Lake Academy does not bill insurance for our parents. If parents are denied their insurance claims, several of our parents have elected to work with insurance denial advocates or companies that know the different insurance companies and can serve as helpful advocates in negotiating reimbursements. Although Maple Lake Academy does not contract with any of these advocate companies, we can provide information about a few of these companies when requested by parents.